
  1. Greetings.
  2. Farewell.
  3. Making Acquaintance.
  4. How are you?

Greetings / Вітання

українською мовою English
Доброго ранку. Good morning.
Добрий день.
Доброго дня.
Good day.
Добрий вечір.
Доброго вечора.
Good evening.
Добридень. Hello.
Привіт. Hi.
Привітик. Hi (more informal + personalized).

Farewell / Прощання

українською мовою English
До побачення. Goodbye.
Гарного дня. Have a nice day.
На все добре. All the best.
Хай щастить. Best of luck.
До зустрічі.
See you.
(На) добраніч. Goodnight.
Бувай. Bye.

Making Acquaintance.

When making someone's acquaintance, the first thing you might do is ask their name. The word for "first name" is ім'я, and the word for "surname" is прізвище. Ukrainian names typically have a diminutive, which is a short form of a first name. Since many Ukrainians prefer to go by their diminutive with friends, instead of their full first name, it is usual to ask someone how they are called, whether than what their name actually is. When asking questions, you'll need to choose between the formal and informal form; the formal form is always listed first here.

Як вас звати? / Як тебе звати? - How are you called?
Мене звати _______. - I am called ______.
А вас? / А тебе? - And yours?

To ask what someone's name / surname really is:
Як твоє ім'я / прізвище? - What is your name / surname?
Моє ім'я / прізвище _______. - My name / surname is ______.

When introducing someone to another person, you can use the phrase:
Знайомтеся / Знайомся, будь ласка _________. - Please make the acquaintance of ________.

Once you've made someone's acquaintance, you might then say:
Приємно познайомитися. - Nice to meet you.
Дуже приємно. - Very pleasant.

And finally, once you have gotten to know someone, you might ask if you can switch from the formal ви to the informal ти, in which case you'll ask:
Можна на ти?

How are you?

українською мовою English
Як справи?
Як ти?
How are you?
А у тебе?
А ти як?
And you?
Чудово. Great!
Супер. Super!
Добре. Well.
Все гаразд.
Все Окей.
Everything's alright.
Непогано. Not bad.
Як завжди.
As usual.
Погано. Badly.